With word that Michael Jackson is not with us anymore, the world grieves the loss of this great talented man. Surely, people and the media always need to bring the negatives of his life; however, when I heard of his death I remembered listening to him as a child. Automatically, my brain recollected memories of him dancing on top of tables wearing a white blazer and pants like in the “Smooth Criminal” video. That video inspired a video game, which I played and at the time the game was awesome. Just picture a 5-year-old fat little kid eating an ice cream cone and playing that game for the first time. I was euphoric.
My cousin, who at the time was a teenager, loved MJ. I remember him going bananas over a concert he was going to attend at the now gone, Orange Bowl. My parents took me to drop him off and, boy, that stadium was rocking. MJ surely knew how to perform. You can’t forget his numerous appearances on MTV and CBS specials. Or, how about when he presented his black and white video after the comedy show on Fox, “In living color”? Also, the time he sang “Heal the world” in front of thousands of people at a stadium that was inspirational and motivational.
I never got to meet this man, but his memories of watching him on television growing up came to mind and made me weep, after hearing the news of death. His music and talent touched us all. It is amazing how one person’s talent can steal the masses’ heart. I guess we were all hit by a “smooth criminal”.
His body might not be here on earth, but his music will live through generations. We will miss the “King of pop”.
R.I.P. 1958-2009
Michael Jackson “King of Pop”
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